Industrial Cage Floors
Individual cages are often of a type that has a channel for the cage floor to slide into. Our standard veterinary floors with legs will not work in such cages. Therfore, Ridglan Animal Care Systems can custom design and manufacture the appropriate cage flooring.
Most industrial cages for individual animals are of stainless steel with a channel welded to the wall of the cage. This channel acts as the support for the cage floor which slides into it. Due to the height restriction of a channel in some installations, we use a flattened expanded metal. These channels were originally intended to accept uncoated stainless steel racks. In addition, they often have an opening of only one inch. Our dipping process adds 1/8 inch of coating to the steel on the top and the bottom. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind the channel height when ordering your Industrial Cage Floors.