Pet-Friendly Industrial Animal Flooring
Industrial animal flooring is required by several veterinarians and commercial facilities. Despite the large need of animal flooring for sale, few are more comfortable and easier to clean that RACS animal flooring. Whether the animals will be on our floors for an hour or two, or for an extended period, a comfortable surface will aide in the health of the animal lying on it. Not only are RACS floors pet-friendly, but they are also easy to clean.
The pet-friendly industrial animal flooring available from RACS features a plastisol (poly-vinyl) coating that is securely bonded to the steel floor. The plastisol contains an antimicrobial additive that helps in eliminating bacteria buildup on the cage floor.
A cold and damp floor will cause stress and discomfort. RACS cage floors are superior to other animal flooring for sale today. The plastisol coating offers a smooth surface that never gets colder than the room temperature. The openings in the floor allow the animal to stay clean and dry. Warm and dry conditions aide in the health and well-being of the animals.
Time-Saving Heavy-Duty Cage RACS
In addition to being pet friendly, RACS industrial animal flooring saves time. Cleaning the plastisol coated animal flooring is simple and efficient, eliminating bacteria buildup. Customers are pleased with easily it cleans with a pressure washer, washing feces through the small holes of the mesh. If some remain after the initial cleaning, wait five minutes so it can soak and then spray the industrial animal flooring again. Each hole in the mesh is tapered like a funnel. Once feces clear the narrowest point of the “funnel” the openings get wider, minimizing stuck fecal issues. In addition, all RACS flooring is autoclave safe.
Industrial Animal Flooring for Sale
One of the greatest pet-friendly and time-saving benefits of the heavy-duty cage RACS flooring is that animals of all sizes can comfortably use the floor. The coated steel mesh accommodates paws of all sizes. If your team is ready to save time on cleaning, while also providing the most comfortable environment possible for your patients, please contact us today. Our products have proudly served the needs of animal caregivers and veterinarians for over 45 years!